LKH Hartberg

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1.The model

The Landeskrankenhaus Hartberg is part of the Styrian Hospitalsgesellschaft and thus not profit-oriented and is 100% owned by Styria. The entire company employs over 16,000 people and is the largest employer of Styria.

With January 1, 1985, KAGES took over the Landeskrankenhäuser from the state of Styria. After the merger of some hospital associations to a LKH there was 17 Landeskrankenhäuser from 2013 - 2014.

In 2015, another four hospitals were merged into two associations. Already on 1 January 2012, the hospital network of LKH Feldbach and Fürstenfeld was formed. A year later, however, the Political District Hartberg-Fürstenfeld, so that there are shared LKH despite the district reform about district boundaries.

 (quote: website Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaft - KAGes, Graz, Österreich -

2.The scenery











The scenery is based on publicly accessible information. All objects were recreated, but due to poor image materials, not all parts are realistic. However, it was tried to remain as close as possible to reality.



not available


3.Functions (Summary)

  • largely photorealistic buildings at the clinic location
  • Animated gate for the rescue entrance zone
  • Realistic lighting and night textures



Simply copy the folder "LKH Hartberg 1.0" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" folder.

Directory structure:


          Custom Scenery /

                 LKH Hartberg 1.0/

                          Earth nav data and others)

and restart X-Plane.


5.Recommended settings

To see the contained lighting effects, HDR should be turned on. The higher the settings at "Texture Resolution" and "Airport Detail" the better is the representation of the scenery, but the influence on the "frames per second" is higher.

6.Required software

X-Plane® Version 11.53+


7.Used Libraries

  • handyobjects
  • CDB-library
  • RescueX

8.Recommended Addons

Although the scenery works without works, we recommend the installation of the following addons (the pictures are included with these addons):

simheaven_X-Europe by PilotBalu,
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LAMINAR RESEARCH®           X-Plane®

Ben Supnik                              WED (Version verwendet)

marginal                                   Sketchup-Plugin

Made by Kurt


If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:

      LKH Hartberg   (XP 11)