LOAE KH Eisenstadt

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1. The Original

Eisenstadt Hospital

To serve the mankind. Since 1760.

Originaly built as a small house with eight beds to serve the princely subjects, the hospital of the Barmherzigen Brüder (the merciful brotherhood) Eisenstadt is now the biggest and oldest hospital in Pannonia.

With nine specialized departments, one X-Ray instutite and a public pharmacy, the hospital is a partner for wellfare and health as well as an importnt employer in the region. 

 (Source: http://www.barmherzige-brueder.at/site/eisenstadt/ueberuns )

2. The Scenery

The scenery is based on open public information and maps. The objects were completely rebuilt.
The package includes night textures and realistic lighting (X-Plane 10 only).

3. Functions (summary)

  • Photorealistic scenery
  • Different buildings on the premises of the hospital
  • Night textures and realistic lightning *)

*) X-Plane 10, 11 only

4. Installation

Just copy the folder "LOGI Trieben 2.0" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.

directory structure:


          Custom Scenery /

                 LOGI Trieben 2.0 /

                          Earth nav data and others)

and restart X-Plane.

5. Recommanded settings

To visualize all light effects, HDR should be activated. The higher the settings for "texture resolution" and "airport detail" the better the quality of the scenery but the more affect on the FPS ratio.

6. Necessary Software

X-Plane® Version 11.10+, 10.30 or 9.7

7. Comments for X-Plane 9 version

Unfortunately some functions of the scenery must be disabled for X-Plane 9 and therefore it will not look like on the pictures which where taken with X-Plane 10.30

8. Used libraries


9. Recommended Addons

Although the scenery will work without any addons, we recommend to use the following ones for the whole experience (pictures taken with addons installed):

OSM_Europe_osm+autogen by PilotBalu,
Download: http://simheaven.com/?page_id=23

to have streets and buildings from OSM and autogen where is no coverrage of such data.

Europe_Library from LyAvain,

Download: http://simheaven.com/?page_id=14
to see European instead of US buildings.

10. Credits

LAMINAR RESEARCH®            for X-Plane®

Ben Supnik                               for WED (Version 1.6.0 used)

marginal                                   for Sketchup-Plugin

made by petjedi

If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:

     LOAE Eisenstadt KH 2.0.zip   (XP 11)

     LOAE Eisenstadt KH 1.0.zip


     LOAE Eisenstadt KH 1.0 XP9.zip