European roads

Durchschnitt: 4 (5 Bewertungen)


Because i dont like the bright and wide roadsides, i made a little modification of the texture-file.

This AddOn modifies the""-file.

2.manual installation

The corresponding file is located in the folder

"X-Plane Ordner"/Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/textures/

First: make a backup of this file!

Unzip the package. Overwrite the file "" in the X-Plane installation with the one found at the end of the directory-tree.

Hint:          When you update X-Plane, the downloader will ask if these file should be overwritten or if you want to keep the new files. After overwriting this AddOn needs to be installed again.

3.Installation with JSGME

The nice small tool JSGME (JS Generic Mod Enabler) allows the installation of different mods in games and also works with X-Plane very good.

  1. find JSGME (Google) and download it (actual Version is
  2. copy "JSGME.exe" in the X-Plane Installation folder (were "X-Plane.exe" is), don't start it now!
  3. in the X-Plane installation folder create an additional folder (I use "jsgmemods".
  4. copy the "MOD Package" to this folder (in this case, the directory " European Roads " from the zip archive).
  5. start JSGME. The first time JSGME asks for the folder with the MODs. Specify the folder "jsgmemods" (example) here. Now in the left window " European Roads " appears, mark it and push the top button. Now the " European Roads " are installed.
  6. stop JSGME, start X-Plane and admire the new roads.

To uninstall (and when updateing X-Plane!) start JSGME and disable the mod's (shift left). Now the original files are reinstalled and the X-Plane Installer "stumbles" no more about it.

4.Necessary software

X-Plane® Version 10.31+ oder 9.7

made by oe3gsu

if you like this AddOn, we appreciate your donation::


Original Modifziert