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- KH Dornbirn
- KH Linz
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- LKH Rottenmann
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- LOAE KH Eisenstadt
- LOAF KH Baden
- LOAH KH Horn
- LOAI LKH Wr. Neustadt
- LOAJ Aspern Öamtc
- LOAK KH Krems
- LOAL Pöchlarn-Wörth
- LOAM Wien Meidling
- LOAO KH Oberpullendorf
- LOAY Kilb Heliport
- LOAZ KH Zwettl
- LOBI KH Mödling
- LODL Business Center Leitner
- LODO Oberwart OEAMTC
- LOGR KH Oberwart
- LOIB Hörlahof
- LOIC St. Anton a. Arlberg
- LOID KH Kufstein
- LOIE BKH Reutte
- LOIF LKH Feldkirch
- LOIG Wucher Ludesch
- LOIL Zams Christophorus 5
- LOIM Heliport Kufstein
- LOIO Sölden
- LOIP Ischgl Idalpe
- LOIU LKH Innsbruch HeliPort
- LOIW Waidring
- LOJC Christophorus 4 Reith
- LOJI Medalp Imst
- LOJK Kaltenbach
- LOJN Christophorus 8 Nenzing
- LOJP Karres
- LOJT Hintertux
- LOJW Wucher Gallus 1 Lech/Zuers
- LOLY ÖAMTC Christophorus 15 Ybbsitz
- LOGA LKH Bad Radkersburg
- LOJH Martin 8 Hochgurgl
- LOMP Patergassen
- LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf
- LOMW LKH Wolfsberg
- LOSJ St. Johann im Pongau
- LOWH Hanusch Krankenhaus
- Tauernklinikum Zell am See
- LOXH Hochfilzen
- LOXS Schwarzenbergkaserne
- UKH Lorenz Böhler
- UKH Meidling
- AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
- LAA-Ungerndorf
- LEGO Mistelbach
- LOAA Ottenschlag
- LOAB Dobersberg
- LOAD Völtendorf
- LOAG / LOBK Krems-Langenlois
- LOAN / LOAW Wr. Neustadt Ost
- LOAR Altlichtenwarth
- LOAS Spitzerberg
- LOAT Trausdorf
- LOAU Stockerau
- LOAV Vöslau
- LOGF Fürstenfeld
- LOGG Punitz
- LOGI Trieben
- LOGK Kapfenberg
- LOGL Lanzen-Turnau
- LOGM Mariazell
- LOGO Niederöblarn
- LOGP Pinkafeld
- LOGT Leoben Timmersdorf
- LOGW Unterfladnitz
- LOIH Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann
- LOIK Kufstein
- LOIR Reutte Höfen
- LOKF Feldkirchen
- LOKG Glainach
- LOKH Friesach
- LOKL Lienz / Nikolsdorf
- LOKM Mayerhofen
- LOKN Nötsch
- LOKR Sankt Donat
- LOKW Wolfsberg
- LOLC Scharnstein
- LOLE Eferding
- LOLF Freistadt
- LOLG Sankt Georgen
- LOLH HB-Hofkirchen
- LOLK Ried Kirchheim
- LOLO Linz Ost
- LOLS / LOLD Schärding-Suben
- LOLM Micheldorf
- LOLT Seitenstetten
- LOLU Gmunden
- LOLW Wels
- Windparks Österreich
- LOIQ Schenkair Feldkirch
- LOSM Mauterndorf
- LOWF Fischamend
- LOWG Graz Thalerhof
- LOWI Innsbruck Kranebitten
- LOWK/LOMU Klagenfurt
- LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
- LOWS W.A.Mozart
- LOWW Wien Schwechat
- LOWZ Zell am See
- LOXA Aigen
- LOXN Wr. Neustadt West
- LOXT Tulln
- LOXZ Zeltweg
- Leopoldsdorf im Marchfeld
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- MD80 (Rotate)
- MD902 (Dawson Designs)
- Pilatus PC6
- RJ100
- Vickers Viscount
- Missionen / Flugpläne
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
Verfasst von oe3gsu am Do, 2014-02-20 16:41
1.The Example
The airport Hörsching (also Blue Danube Airport, ICAO code: LOWL) was officially opened in 1955, but it already existed since 1939 at Hörsching..
Since 1956, regular passenger air transport takes place. From 1972, a private passenger terminal was built on the north side of the site, which went into operation in 1976. Since 1985, the runway of the Linz airport is equipped with an instrument landing system category III B. From 1998 to 2003 the adaptation and expansion of the existing passenger terminal was made. 2005, a new instrument landing system (ILS) was taken on the takeoff and landing runway 09 in operation.
The airport has a 3,000 m long precision airstrip with two instrument landing systems (one for bad visual approaches to CAT IIIb), and in addition a helicopter runway. For medium-haul aircraft are 16 parking positions available.
The airport Hörsching is actually an airport in the Austrian Air Force and thus belongs to the Austrian army. However, there is a civil right of use. The civil part is north of the airstrip, south of it is Austria's second largest barracks, the airbase Vogler with parts of the plane and the military command of Upper Austria.
On 1. November 2010 the runway was renamed from 09/27 to 08/26, and the heli-runway from 08/26 to 07/25.
(Source: Wikipedia)
2.The scenery
The scenery is based on the scenery started by davewing : "LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz".
The planes on the apron were made "removable", the parking positions, taxiways, etc. revised according to the material of VACC-Austria and updated from generally available information.
are available at http://www.vacc-austria.org/?page=content/airportinfo&icao=LOWL. Based on that charts the parking postions and taxiways where build into the scenery. So there should'nt be any problems when flying online.
At the 1.November 2010 the runway 09/27 was renamed to 08/26. This fact is also considered in the scenery.
3.Functions (summary)
- Photorealistic scenery
- Rename of runway and taxi signs from Movember 2010 included
- Compatible to OSM+autogen from PliotBalu
- Realistic ground texture on the airport area
- Parkpositions, taxiways, runways, etc. conform to VACC data
- Vehicles at the apron
- Realistic markings on the apron and taxiways
- Different buildings in the vicinity
- Night textures and realistic lightning *)
- ATC taxilines for AI traffic *)
- Parked Aircrafts at Main- and GAC-Aprons removable
- new Ground-Markings V3.0
- SAM Marshaller V3.0
- SAM-Season integrated V3.5
*) X-Plane 10, 11 only!
Just copy the folder " LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 3.5" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.
directory structure:
Custom Scenery /
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 3.5/
Earth nav data and others)
and restart X-Plane.
5.Necessary software:
X-Plane® Version 11.11+, 10.25+ oder 9.7
SAM-Season, SAM-Library und Addon from
6.Libraries used
SAM-Library (as in 7.)
Ben Supnik for WED (Version 1.6.1 verwendet)
marginal for his Sketchup-Plugin
8.recommended addons
Although the scenery works without it, we recommend installing the following addons (the images are taken with these addons):
simheaven_X-Europe by PilotBalu,
Download von: https://simheaven.com/simdownloads/x-europe-4/
made by oe3gsu
If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:
Support at: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/79129-lowl-blue-danube-airport-linz/
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 3.5.zip (XP 11, SAM-Season)
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 3.0.zip (XP 11)
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 2.0.zip (XP 11)
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 1.0.zip (51 MB)
LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz XP9 1.0.zip (51 MB)
Bugfix LOWL 1.0.zip (Fixes Crash when taxiing on apron, please read the ReadMe.txt !!)
LOWL_Winter.zip Winter-Textures for LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz 1.0
Installation: withJSGME (find instructions on http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/Highways ) or
direct: overwrite the same files in the appropriate directories (make a backup before!)
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