- Mein Cockpit
- Szenerien-Liste
- Szenerien - Karte
- Modellflugplätze
- HELI - Landeplätze
- 4077 M.A.S.H.
- AAT Ranshofen
- EI01 Fastnet Rock
- F1 Spielberg Racetrack Heliport
- KH Dornbirn
- KH Linz
- KH Rudolfstiftung Wien
- KH Weisser Hof
- LKH-Hainburg
- LKH Hartberg
- LKH Rottenmann
- LKH Schladming
- LKH Wagna
- LOAC KH Kittsee
- LOAE KH Eisenstadt
- LOAF KH Baden
- LOAH KH Horn
- LOAI LKH Wr. Neustadt
- LOAJ Aspern Öamtc
- LOAK KH Krems
- LOAL Pöchlarn-Wörth
- LOAM Wien Meidling
- LOAO KH Oberpullendorf
- LOAY Kilb Heliport
- LOAZ KH Zwettl
- LOBI KH Mödling
- LODL Business Center Leitner
- LODO Oberwart OEAMTC
- LOGR KH Oberwart
- LOIB Hörlahof
- LOIC St. Anton a. Arlberg
- LOID KH Kufstein
- LOIE BKH Reutte
- LOIF LKH Feldkirch
- LOIG Wucher Ludesch
- LOIL Zams Christophorus 5
- LOIM Heliport Kufstein
- LOIO Sölden
- LOIP Ischgl Idalpe
- LOIU LKH Innsbruch HeliPort
- LOIW Waidring
- LOJC Christophorus 4 Reith
- LOJI Medalp Imst
- LOJK Kaltenbach
- LOJN Christophorus 8 Nenzing
- LOJP Karres
- LOJT Hintertux
- LOJW Wucher Gallus 1 Lech/Zuers
- LOLY ÖAMTC Christophorus 15 Ybbsitz
- LOGA LKH Bad Radkersburg
- LOJH Martin 8 Hochgurgl
- LOMP Patergassen
- LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf
- LOMW LKH Wolfsberg
- LOSJ St. Johann im Pongau
- LOWH Hanusch Krankenhaus
- Tauernklinikum Zell am See
- LOXH Hochfilzen
- LOXS Schwarzenbergkaserne
- UKH Lorenz Böhler
- UKH Meidling
- AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
- LAA-Ungerndorf
- LEGO Mistelbach
- LOAA Ottenschlag
- LOAB Dobersberg
- LOAD Völtendorf
- LOAG / LOBK Krems-Langenlois
- LOAN / LOAW Wr. Neustadt Ost
- LOAR Altlichtenwarth
- LOAS Spitzerberg
- LOAT Trausdorf
- LOAU Stockerau
- LOAV Vöslau
- LOGF Fürstenfeld
- LOGG Punitz
- LOGI Trieben
- LOGK Kapfenberg
- LOGL Lanzen-Turnau
- LOGM Mariazell
- LOGO Niederöblarn
- LOGP Pinkafeld
- LOGT Leoben Timmersdorf
- LOGW Unterfladnitz
- LOIH Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann
- LOIK Kufstein
- LOIR Reutte Höfen
- LOKF Feldkirchen
- LOKG Glainach
- LOKH Friesach
- LOKL Lienz / Nikolsdorf
- LOKM Mayerhofen
- LOKN Nötsch
- LOKR Sankt Donat
- LOKW Wolfsberg
- LOLC Scharnstein
- LOLE Eferding
- LOLF Freistadt
- LOLG Sankt Georgen
- LOLH HB-Hofkirchen
- LOLK Ried Kirchheim
- LOLO Linz Ost
- LOLS / LOLD Schärding-Suben
- LOLM Micheldorf
- LOLT Seitenstetten
- LOLU Gmunden
- LOLW Wels
- Windparks Österreich
- LOIQ Schenkair Feldkirch
- LOSM Mauterndorf
- LOWF Fischamend
- LOWG Graz Thalerhof
- LOWI Innsbruck Kranebitten
- LOWK/LOMU Klagenfurt
- LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
- LOWS W.A.Mozart
- LOWW Wien Schwechat
- LOWZ Zell am See
- LOXA Aigen
- LOXN Wr. Neustadt West
- LOXT Tulln
- LOXZ Zeltweg
- Leopoldsdorf im Marchfeld
- Aircrafts
- Tips und Tricks
- Addons für Österreich
- Allgemeines zur X-Plane Welt
- Europäische Strassen
- Kalkulation Light-Spill
- LUA-Scripts
- Modifikation von X-Plane mit JSGME
- PCL (Pilot controlled lights)
- Weniger Schnee auf der Runway
- Europäische Autobahn Beleuchtung
- Flugzeug-Bemalungen (Liveries) anpassen
- Tutorials
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie I
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie II
- Objekte für X-Plane I
- Objekte für X-Plane II
- Objekte für X-Plane III
- Objekte für X-Plane IV
- Objekte für X-Plane V
- Objekte für X-Plane VI
- Animationen bei Objekten
- Objekte in X-Plane positionieren (WED)
- Die Anwendung von Fassaden (.fac)
- Helipads als Markierung
- Rollmarkierungen
- Strassen mit Verkehr selbst erstellen
- Wir bauen eine Linie (.lin)
- Wir bauen einen Wald (.for)
- Wir bauen uns Bäume (.obj)
- Work in progress
- A319-100 OE-LDG
- A320-232 (Paul Glanville)
- A320-232 (QPAC)
- A321 (riviere) Austrian OE-LBF
- AS 350 B3+
- Airbus A330-200 (JAR-Design)
- Aquila A210 (Picus-X)
- BK117 (NDArt)
- Boeing 737-300 (IXEG)
- Boeing 737-8 ZIBO
- Boeing 737-800 (EADT)
- Boeing 747-8i Adv. (SSG)
- Boeing 757-200PW+RR (FF)
- Boeing 757-300RR (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 767 (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 777-200ER (Ramzzess)
- Boeing 787
- C172SP
- CRJ200
- Dash 8 Q400
- Diamond Aircrafts
- E-190 (SSG)
- EC-135V3 (Rotorsim.de)
- MD80 (Rotate)
- MD902 (Dawson Designs)
- Pilatus PC6
- RJ100
- Vickers Viscount
- Missionen / Flugpläne
the project
Verfasst von oe3gsu am Mo, 2013-07-01 07:51
The project
After installing X-Plane, i was realy surprised what is possible today. I installed some free airplanes and up it goes. Then i found the possibility to fly online with VATSim at VACC-Austria. But i found, that operating the small buttons in the cockpi with the mouse is slow and error prone.
So i asked mr Google about home-cockpits. But there is not realy many. I found some references to "Teensy" and what is possible with it and X-Plane. Earlier i worked with Arduinos und so it should not be a great Problem.
i ordered some Teensys und made some first tries. At www.x-plane.org i found some instructions and samples and in a short time teh switches in X-plane moved by itself. it was clear: i need an own home-cockpit.
How should it look? Recreate a specific cockpit? Most of the time i fly "heavy metal" but also like a "small one" from the GA or even a little gliding on the mountains around Vienna, or...
So no specific cockpit! And what should it can? Well at least reproduce the most needed Insturments during the flight.
Thus was the "wish list" ready:
- the most needed switches (lights, pitot heat, ...)
- radios(COM, NAV, DME)
- audio-selector-module
- Flaps ?
- Gear ?
- Autopilot ?
(the"?" means, this is my wish, the moduel esist in my head only.)
OK, that should be it for the first time. One can build still further But now its getting difficult: The search for affordable material reduced the options pretty soon. But after many attempts and just as many failed approaches I came to the following solution:
The concept:
AsSteering-Horn and "thrust" i use the "Saitek Pro Flight System" with the matching pedals (So good is my mechanical workshop not, that since I could build what working).
Since the replica also of the"six" (6 of the most important instruments in the cockpit) (at the moment) makes little sense possible, i am deciding for a 19 "monitor, with the aid of X-HSI the"six" shows. This monitor is controlled by a second computer, witch i use also for (on a monitor next to it) flight Preparation, Flight plan creation, .... Around this monitor the different modules are now located. I do need a
To install modules of different sizes (like in real life), I created a grid system, that allows me, to vary the size in 15 mm grid. The arrangement should at least be similar to the real cockpit.
Under the monitor sits the Steering Horn, right from the Monitor the radios and (possibly later) "Gear" and "flaps". Left of the monitor is still plenty of room, just at the bottom sits the module to start the engines and the various switches for lights, etc.
Above the monitor should be room for a "big" autopilot. Also a reasonable stopwatch should sit there. (i think of a countdown timer with acoustic signaling after 30, 60, ... seconds; clear what?)
Above the rack two monitors should be mounted, driven by the main computer, to show the external view of X-Plane.
Times as far as the plan. And now: what is there is already:
The rack:
This consists of T-beams with15x15mm. Every 15mm there is a Hole with M3 thread to fix the modules. Inbetween there are holes for screws M3 for the mounting of horizontal struts. There i can mount short vertival T-beams für fixing smaller modules in the rack.
At the lower end of the T-profile, a horizontal angle is mounted, which is bolted to the table. At the far end a strut angle is fixed, going to the T-section and thus completes a stable triangle.
So the rack has sufficient stability (since crashes are not considered).
The Configuration:
The entire system consists of two PCs.
The first controls the three monitors for the outside view. On this also X-Plane and some utility programs are running. On this computer, the control horn, the quadrant and pedals as well as my cockpit modules are connected via USB.
On the second computer XHSI runs to display the instruments in the cockpit (monitor inside the cockpit) and Plan-G, VatSpy and a few utilities.
Both PCs are connected via a gigabit switch with each other and to the Internet.
If you have questions: Just a mail to me: oe3gsu@x-plane.at