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- KH Dornbirn
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- LOAE KH Eisenstadt
- LOAF KH Baden
- LOAH KH Horn
- LOAI LKH Wr. Neustadt
- LOAJ Aspern Öamtc
- LOAK KH Krems
- LOAL Pöchlarn-Wörth
- LOAM Wien Meidling
- LOAO KH Oberpullendorf
- LOAY Kilb Heliport
- LOAZ KH Zwettl
- LOBI KH Mödling
- LODL Business Center Leitner
- LODO Oberwart OEAMTC
- LOGR KH Oberwart
- LOIB Hörlahof
- LOIC St. Anton a. Arlberg
- LOID KH Kufstein
- LOIE BKH Reutte
- LOIF LKH Feldkirch
- LOIG Wucher Ludesch
- LOIL Zams Christophorus 5
- LOIM Heliport Kufstein
- LOIO Sölden
- LOIP Ischgl Idalpe
- LOIU LKH Innsbruch HeliPort
- LOIW Waidring
- LOJC Christophorus 4 Reith
- LOJI Medalp Imst
- LOJK Kaltenbach
- LOJN Christophorus 8 Nenzing
- LOJP Karres
- LOJT Hintertux
- LOJW Wucher Gallus 1 Lech/Zuers
- LOLY ÖAMTC Christophorus 15 Ybbsitz
- LOGA LKH Bad Radkersburg
- LOJH Martin 8 Hochgurgl
- LOMP Patergassen
- LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf
- LOMW LKH Wolfsberg
- LOSJ St. Johann im Pongau
- LOWH Hanusch Krankenhaus
- Tauernklinikum Zell am See
- LOXH Hochfilzen
- LOXS Schwarzenbergkaserne
- UKH Lorenz Böhler
- UKH Meidling
- AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
- LAA-Ungerndorf
- LEGO Mistelbach
- LOAA Ottenschlag
- LOAB Dobersberg
- LOAD Völtendorf
- LOAG / LOBK Krems-Langenlois
- LOAN / LOAW Wr. Neustadt Ost
- LOAR Altlichtenwarth
- LOAS Spitzerberg
- LOAT Trausdorf
- LOAU Stockerau
- LOAV Vöslau
- LOGF Fürstenfeld
- LOGG Punitz
- LOGI Trieben
- LOGK Kapfenberg
- LOGL Lanzen-Turnau
- LOGM Mariazell
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- LOGT Leoben Timmersdorf
- LOGW Unterfladnitz
- LOIH Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann
- LOIK Kufstein
- LOIR Reutte Höfen
- LOKF Feldkirchen
- LOKG Glainach
- LOKH Friesach
- LOKL Lienz / Nikolsdorf
- LOKM Mayerhofen
- LOKN Nötsch
- LOKR Sankt Donat
- LOKW Wolfsberg
- LOLC Scharnstein
- LOLE Eferding
- LOLF Freistadt
- LOLG Sankt Georgen
- LOLH HB-Hofkirchen
- LOLK Ried Kirchheim
- LOLO Linz Ost
- LOLS / LOLD Schärding-Suben
- LOLM Micheldorf
- LOLT Seitenstetten
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- Windparks Österreich
- LOIQ Schenkair Feldkirch
- LOSM Mauterndorf
- LOWF Fischamend
- LOWG Graz Thalerhof
- LOWI Innsbruck Kranebitten
- LOWK/LOMU Klagenfurt
- LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
- LOWS W.A.Mozart
- LOWW Wien Schwechat
- LOWZ Zell am See
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- LOXT Tulln
- LOXZ Zeltweg
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- MD80 (Rotate)
- MD902 (Dawson Designs)
- Pilatus PC6
- RJ100
- Vickers Viscount
- Missionen / Flugpläne
LOAS Spitzerberg
Verfasst von oe3gsu am Do, 2013-12-19 16:45
1. The original
The Spitzerberg airfield is located 14.7Nm south of Vienna International Airport (LOWW). The course has a marked grass runway for powered airplanes and an unmarked runway for gliders. The Flugsportzentrum Spitzerberg also includes a flight school for sailing and airplanes.
Operating hours: PPR, usually from 09:00 - 20:00 local time.
Tower: 122.07 Mhz
Track: 15/33
NO Jet-A1 available!
The History:
The Spitzerberg, which gave the airfield and since 1955 also a national sports school its name, until 1929 was nothing more than a landscape survey without special significance. Since that time, however, the mountain and subsequently the Hundsheimer Kogel gained in sporting interest. This was a then quite unusual sport, namely the motorless flight.
The first group to use the Spitzerberg site was the Sportfliegervereinigung in the Austrian Aero-Club. In the spring of 1929, the first gliding flights were made from the slopes of Spitzerberg and the "neighboring mountain", the Hundsheimer Kogel. At this time reminiscent of Hundsheimer Kogel to this day a plaque, which is symbolically guarded by a stone eagle.
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Development to the flight and training center
As early as 1931, the first long-haul flight with 2 hours and 23 minutes (take-off elevation 250-300 m) took place on the slopes of the Hundsheimer Kogel in a disguised "pupil". This was the beginning of a gliding operation in the 1930s, which attracted countless clubs. Favored by the optimal conditions fell into this time also many national and international records which were accomplished from the Spitzerberg (for example 1937: Austrian course record 157 km, Dauerflugrecord single-seater 27 h 50 min, 1938: Dauerflugrecord double-seater: 40 h, 38 min).
In 1936, the Segelfliegerheim Spitzerberg with its spacious hangar was built and inaugurated, which is in operation until the end of 1939. Then, after detailed planning (designed by architect Christl), the expansion of the airfield to a flight school is started. Finally, on 19 October 1940, the Imperial Flying School Spitzerberg opened and handed over their purpose. The building complex and the airfield still form the core of today's aviation facility.
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the post war period
The buildings are badly damaged by war and post-war events. The main building was poorly habitable as a ruin, the side wings were considered ready for demolition. In 1946, after protracted negotiations, the transfer of the remaining Spitzerberg buildings to the Federal Ministry of Education took place to save them from ruin.
In 1950 the "Austrian Aero-Club" was founded and in 1951 the Landesverband NÖ.
End of 1953, the restoration work and the expansion of the school begin. After the conclusion of the State Treaty, the ceremonial opening of the "Spessberg National Sports School" will take place on 02.10.1955.
With the full commissioning of the school began almost immediately an influx of mainly Viennese glider groups, which had to remain on the ground during the Russian occupation.
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Since 1958, new glider pilots have been trained in 3-week intensive courses. This type of training has proven itself to this day and is offered exclusively by the Spitzerberg flying school.
The Flugsportzentrum Spitzerberg from October 2016
From 1st October 2016, a new era began at the Spitzerberg airfield!
The end of the old federal sports school in 1997 and the subsequent transfer of the business to the Österr. Aeroclub certainly brought about fewer changes compared to the current situation.
As a new owner, the well-known aviation enthusiast Dkfm. Mateschitz attributable company, the Red Bull Air Race GmbH. (abbreviated RBAR) the operative operation of the airfield Spitzerberg.
RBAR is responsible for all flight operations (including operations manager, hangar, slope) and the buildings.
The new association Flugsportzentrum Spitzerberg (FSZ) is responsible for the operation of a flight school for glider, glider and glider flights, as well as the management and chartering of the former Aeroclub FSZ aircraft.
(Source: http://www.spitzerberg.at)
2. The Scenery
The scenery is photorealisitisch on the basis of photos taken on site. For version 2.0, all textures and objects have been redesigned.
The scenery includes night textures and realistic lighting (X-Plane 10, 11 only)
3. Functions (Summary)
· Photorealistice Scenery
· Compatibel to "OSM+autogen" or. "Osm_Austria_beta5.0" from PilotBalu
· realistic ground texture at the airfield
· real lighting, individual built
· night textures and lighting *)
*) X-Plane 10, 11 only!
4. Installation
Just copy the folder " LOAS Spitzerberg 2.0" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.
directory structure:
Custom Scenery /
LOAS Spitzerberg 2.0/
Earth nav data and others)
and restart X-Plane.
5. Recommended settings
To visualize all light effects, HDR should be activated. The higher the settings for "texture resolution" and "airport detail" the better the quality of the scenery but the more affect on the FPS ratio.
6. Required Software
X-Plane® Version 11.10+, 10.30+ or 9.7
7. Comments for the X-Plane 9 version
Unfortunately some functions of the scenery must be disabled for X-Plane 9 and therefore it will not look like on the pictures which where taken with XP10.30RC1).
8. Used Libraries
9. Recommended addons
Although the scenery will work without any addons, we recommend to use the following ones for the whole experience (pictures taken with addons installed):
OSM_Europe_osm+autogen by PilotBalu,
Download from: http://simheaven.com/?page_id=23
to have streets and buildings from OSM and autogen where is no coverrage of such data.
Osm_Austria_beta 5.0 by PilotBalu
Download from: http://simheaven.com/experimental/
HD Mesh Scenery v2 by alpilotx
Download from: http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-hd-scenery-mesh-v2/
Europe_Library von LyAvain,
Download from: http://simheaven.com/?page_id=14
to see European instead of US buildings.
10. Credits
Ben Supnik WED (Version 1.6.1 used)
marginal Sketchup-Plugin
Uwespeed Cars
vonhinx glider trailers
Hr. Oppelmayer Plant manager, for the possibility to take the pictures
made by Peter,
If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:
LOAS Spitzerberg 2.0.zip (XP 11)
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