ACHTUNG! BETA-Version nur für BETA-Tester!
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-- Script: HeliGyro
-- Version: 1.0 RC1
-- Build: 2015-01-20
-- By: oe3gsu(at)
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-- Description:
-- Simulates a Gyro-controll of the yaw of your helo
-- Usable in all helos, not working if your aircraft is not in the "Aircraft/Helicopters" - folder!
-- Display if HUD - addition only if view is "forward with HUD"
-- Stabilization parameters can be set with configuration file:
-- store a textfile with the same name as the .acf - file with extension .hgc in the aircraft folder
-- an example can be found at the "Scripts"-folder
-- edit only the numbers in the same format found in the example, leave comments unchanged!
-- copy the file "HeliGyro.lua" and "HeliGyro_std.hgc" into your "Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts"-Folder
-- copy an new created .hgc-file to the aircraft-folder of your helo
-- load your helo and have fun
-- At startup the gyro-system is off!
-- You can see a red dot and the loaded config-values (for 30 seconds)
-- If there is no config file in the aircraft-folder, defaults from "Scripts"-folder will be used
-- First assign a key or button to "FlyWithLua/HeliGyro/switch_Mode"
-- Press this key or button and the dot will get green: Gyro System is ON
-- Fly and have fun!
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